Roy Decker, FAIA, selected as presenter at the Maintainers III Conference
Ryan Chan
UpKeep Maintenance Management CMMS
October 18, 2019
UpKeep Maintenance Management CMMS
October 18, 2019
Roy Decker is honored to have been a presenter at the Maintainers III Conference in Washington DC.
This follow-up article written by UpKeep Maintenance Management CMMS shares some of his thoughts that he presented at the conference.
“We learned so much at the Maintainers III Conference, but one of the most interesting presentations was by Roy Decker of Duvall Decker Architecture. Roy spoke about shifting the practice of architecture to include the entirety of a building’s life, bringing maintenance to meet architecture. His firm is leading the way in changing how architects think about maintenance. No longer an afterthought, maintenance is essential in building planning.”
Click here to read the full article.